Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Pandora's Box--Siobhan O'Neill

Pandora's box is a myth from ancient Greece in which the reining god, Zeus, commanded Hephaestus to create the first human woman on earth. This was Pandora. As Pandora grew older she was married to the brother of Prometheus, Epimetheus. She was given a box as a wedding gift with the instructions to never open this box under any circumstances. A slave to her curiosity, Pandora had no choice but to open the box. She released all the evils into the world Pandora's box released a multitude of ubiquitous evils throughout our world today that are still present. The evil of animal, domestic, and child abuse is one the particularly irks me. Although I have not experienced the evil on a personal level I often find it present in life. For example my own dog was rescued by my family on the side of the road when he was a puppy. This abuse my dog faced has had detrimental and lasting effects on him. He has separation anxiety from my other dog and my family, he is scared of just about anything that is moving towards him, and suffers from general anxiety. What tears me up inside the most is how preventable abuse is. No human is physically unable to not hurt another human or animal. There is no compelling force giving them no choice but to hurt a living thing. Its their inability to control anger. Its a disturbing weakness in certain humans.

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