God created the earth in 6 days and rested on the 7th. He
made man in His image and gave him dominion over all the earth. But God thought
the man might be lonely, so He made a woman from the man's rib. He told them
not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil or they would
certainly die, but they could eat anything else they saw. The serpent went up
to the woman and convinced her to eat the fruit and give it to her husband
also. They ate it and saw that they were naked and tried to clothe themselves.
Then God came and they tried to hide. God knew that they had eaten the fruit of
the knowledge of good and evil, and asked why. The woman told Him of the
serpent, so God cursed the snake to eat dust and slither on the ground, and
also to be stepped on by the son of man and to bite at his heel. Then He cursed
the woman to have pain at childbirth. Then He cursed the man to work for his
food and also to die. He made skins to clothe the man and woman, and kicked
them out of Eden and put cherubs and flaming swords to guard it. This is how
"original sin" came to be. Now, we cleanse ourselves of original sin by baptism,
something my parents chose for me at a young age. This is believed to be the rebirth of a
person, or the start of a new life, or even a new origin. My new life began on that day, the day that I was
cleansed of that original sin.
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