Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Genesis-Will Atkins

God had created the Heavens, and he also created Earth. At the beginning, on Earth there was only darkness. So God created light, calling the light, “day,” and the dark, “night.” In the following days he created the sky, the vegetation of the earth, and all of its animals. All but one. Because on the sixth day God created Man. On the seventh, God rested. This would go on to be know as a day of holy rest.  Later on, God would place Man in the garden of Eden with all of the vegetation and all of the animals. He let Man name all of them, but none were suitable companions for him. So in Man’s deep slumber, God pulled a rib out of man and used that to form woman, Man’s supposed partner. They were both naked, yet felt no shame. God went on to say that Man and Woman could eat anything within the garden besides the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Though they were told not to eat from the tree, Woman disobeyed this after a serpent convinced her to try the fruit of the tree. She and Man tried the fruit, and when God found out he punished them both. God sentenced Woman to painful child birth and he sentenced man to working the fields from which he eats.

My origin is not the most compelling of tales. I was born on July 12th, 1996, in Memphis, TN, to a now family of five. However, it was a matter of weeks until my family and I moved to Lexington, KY. Living here 18 years now has sculpted my origin all on its own.

1 comment:

  1. Great job summarizing the Book of Genesis. You conveyed a very clear understanding of it, while keeping it concise. Although simple, I also enjoy your response. Most of us have similar origins.
