Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Genesis - Haley Longworth

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, light and dark, days and nights, months and years. He placed animals and plants on the land and in the sea, and created the perfect environment for every living thing to dwell. Next He created a man named Adam, and used his rib to create a woman named Eve. They were perfect in His image. He put them in the Garden of Eden, where the only rule was not to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. On the seventh day, God rested. Adam and Eve were thriving in the garden until a serpent convinced Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge, and then she convinced Adam to do the same. They then realized that they were naked, and When God found out he punished them by making childbirth painful for women and causing men to endure hardship in their lives. Adam and Eve were cast out of the garden. As Adam and Eve originated from God and were placed in the Garden of Eden, I originated from my parents, Matt and Carla, and have lived in Lexington my entire life. I am the oldest child of three, which placed more responsibility on my shoulders growing up, and I am the only girl. Most of my family lives in Kentucky and Ohio. Although I am thankful for how my parents raised me and the life they have given me, I am excited for college, and learning to live more on my own.

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