Similar to Genesis in the Bible, Pandora's box is an origin story about how the world was created. This pagan version starts out with the titans and chaos, in which the heavens and earth were created. After the water and land was separated animals were created. A "Nobler man was wanted" and man was created, a man named Prometheus. Venus created woman to accompany man. With Pandora she brought a box with blessings from each god, and she opened the box incautiously, letting all the blessings escape. There were many different time periods in which man developed. It started in the gold age where everyone was virtuous and the flowers grew on their own. As time progressed men became wicked and began to hate each other with fighting and killing. This was known as the bronze age. Jupiter saw this wickedness and threatened to kill the earth with a lightning bolt but instead decided to flood the earth with the help of his brother Neptune. A virtuous man, Deucalion and his wife Pyrrah survived and threw stones behind them making a better man and women.
An evil I would like to squelch is the evil of greed. Greed is what drives a man to do evil things such as stealing and murder. The main cause of evils in this world is one man's greed driving him to commit sins against another man. A world without greed would be a world better off because man would not be driven to do evil temptations.
Greed is definitely a large problem in a world, that like you said leads to things such a stealing and murder. I agree with you about this. Another evil in our world that I would like to squelch is war, because I believe that everybody's life is significant.