The Trojan war had been going on for 10 years when the Greeks
decided to set a trap for the Trojans. They made a wooden horse and hid all of
the ships and soldiers. The Trojans thought that the Greeks had finally given
up, and were just giving an offering/sacrifice to Athena, so they took the
horse into their walls, and had a celebration. There were, in fact, men inside
of the wooden horse, and when the Trojans were not paying attention, the Greeks
climbed out of the secret door that Odysseus had made in the horse, and
destroyed the city, winning the war.
I don’t really have a "dream journey" like others
might, but I would definitely love to visit a country in need, and do mission
work. I spend at least two weeks every summer with my youth group,
volunteering. One week we go to the mountains and help chaperone elementary
kids while camping, and then the other week, we go to a different state
(usually) and volunteer in the community there. I have always loved doing that
and would love to go to a totally
different country, even a different culture to see how they could use my help.
Gill, N. S. "Read
About the Story Behind the Trojan War." About. Web. 30 Sept. 2014.
I have gone to three mission trips now, and the one to a different country was my favorite. I went to Jamaica and the cultural and lifestyle differences made for an eye opening trip. You should definitely try to go sometime.