Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tower of Babel- Julian Perry

The Tower of Babel is another of the Bible's lessons told through story. In the beginning, humans all spoke the same language. These early humans worked together to build a great city, with a tower to heaven in the center. God, seeing this effort, and realizing the true strength and foolish pride of the humans when working together, scattered the humans across the earth and segmented their common language into all the languages we know today. 

"The Tower of Babel." Bible Gateway. Web. 28 Oct. 2014 < 11:1-9>.

I doubt I would have any dissenters if I said being multilingual is a useful skill. In today's world, instant worldwide communication is only inhibited by the human on each end of the line. Businesses will always value a multilingual employee over their unilingual counterparts. The importance of this skill will only increase, as communication becomes more and more important for the future world's economy. At the same time, however, a unilingual world would be the largest step forward society has ever taken. There would be no language barrier to separate fellow humans, and human compassion would benefit greatly from this shared attribute. We unfortunately do not live in an ideal world, which is why being multilingual is a skill anyone should learn, given the opportunity. 

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