Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Noah and the Flood-Wes Grigsby

God was upset that mankind had fallen into sin. He decided to destroy mankind with a massive flood. He wanted to save one man, Noah, and his family because they were not sinful. He told Noah to save all the animals as well. He told Noah to build a giant ark to house himself, his family, and every animal. After he built the ark, two of every animal came to Noah. He put them on the ark and sealed the door shut with tar pitch. God sent a rain that lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. This made a flood that destroyed all of mankind except for Noah and his family. He opened the ark and the world was fresh again. Mankind started anew.

I don't know how the world will end. I doubt anyone knows how the world will end.
If I were to choose though, I believe that the world will probably end in Ice. Fire is too quick, anything can run from fire. Cold is consuming and slow, it covers everything. You can't run from cold. The Norse understood this, they called it Ragnarok. If it happens that way though, I don't know.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is very interesting how you chose the world ending in ice. I never thought about how the cold can creep up on us, whereas fire is so fast. I like your perspective on this topic.
