Thursday, October 16, 2014

Noah and the Flood (Genesis 6-9)- Andy Hoyt

The Story of Noah and the Ark is one of the most basic and fundamental bible story's. It is a part of Genesis, so it tells one of the stories from the early years of the earth. God saw humans on the Earth and was not pleased with them. He found that they had evil thoughts in their hearts and had become cruel. God decided that he would cleanse the Earth with a great flood, but he knew that he must save two of every animal and enough people to repopulate the earth. God found Noah, one of the last good men, and commanded him to build an ark 300 cubits long and 50 cubits wide and collect two of every animal and bring them aboard. Noah did this, and then he brought his family aboard too. God made rain pour for forty days and forty nights, and the earth was flooded for 150 days. Eventually the ark rested on top of a mountain, and Noah waited three weeks and used a dove to if it was safe to leave the ark. At the end of the flood all the animals and Noah's family set out to repopulate the Earth. God began to regret what he had done and made a covenant with earth never to flood it again.

An animal that has always fascinated me is the Narwhal. There seem to be very few of them left in the wild due to hunting, but they are still very important today. While they are related to whales, they are relatively small and have a defining characteristic, their giant spiral tooth. This may look like a horn to most, but is in fact one of their two front teeth that protrudes out from their mouths. It is used not as a weapon in hunting, but as means of attracting a mate and fighting over a female.

I do not believe that the world will end "in ice and fire". While I think humans will cause the end of life on this planet, It will not be by war or nuclear fallout, it will be something much more slow and painful. Many people fail to realize how serious the problem of global warming really is. Some people are cooperative and are trying to become more "green", but if we don't all work together then soon it will be too late to save our planet.

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