The god Eros (now thought of as cupid) was upset at Apollo.
So he shot Apollo with a gold tipped arrow that would make him fall in love
Daphne, who was shot with a leaden arrow that would make her hate love. Daphne was the daughter of the river god
Peneus (in some cases, they mention mother Earth), who had the powers of
transformation. Apollo began to stalk Daphne until one day when he would not
let her go, so she prayed to her father (or mother Earth) to help her escape
and he turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo still under Eros' spell, was
heartbroken, and decided to make an eternal tribute to Daphne by making the
laurel wreath the symbol of poets.
"Myth of Apollo and
Daphne -" Greeka. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.
If given the opportunity to become immortal, I would not
take it. All of the people I love would eventually die, and I would have to
continue to live on without them. I would never fit in with anyone because,
after a certain time, I would always be older than anyone I met, and would that
difference would make it hard for me to connect with people I know would
inevitably die. I would see countless horrors that people would hopefully see
only once or twice in their lives. Living forever would be a great burden. I absolutely
cannot imagine why anyone would want to live forever. Extending life span, I could
understand, but not immortality.
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