This story begins on the island of Cyprus, where the Propoetides, a group of women, refuse to acknowledge Aphrodite as a goddess. Aphrodite in turn takes away these women's shame, and they turn to prostitution. Pygmalion, a sculptor, sees this and is disgusted and he decides to ignore women from now on. However, he decides to sculpt a women out of ivory. The statue he creates is so beautiful, he falls in love with it, and begins bringing it gifts to show his affection. Pygmalion then attends a festival in Aphrodite's honor, he prays she would bring his statue to life. Returning home, Pygmalion finds his wish has been granted, and he calls her Galatea.
If I could bring one character to life, it would be Patrick Jane from 'The Mentalist.' Patrick Jane is a character I fell in love with while watching the show, and having the ability to learn from him would be an amazing experience. Ideally, I'd want him in the world as some sort of mentor figure, because who wouldn't want to learn from someone like Patrick? Patrick Jane has a very deep personality that develops as the show goes on, he has dark sides, and lighthearted at time, which makes you really feel like you understand the character and have some sort of connection. Meaning, if I were to bring Patrick to the real world, I would feel like I knew him very well, which is probably weird.
"The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea." Greek Myths Greek Mythology. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <>.
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