Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Noah and the Flood-Will Atkins

One day God proclaimed his disgust for the childish and evil behavior of the humans. He could not believe his own creations that were made in his image could behave so rashly. God saw the wickedness of his creations and therefore decided it was time to wipe them from the face of the earth and to cleanse the earth. However, God told one man of his genocidal plan. God had one man, Noah, a 600 year-old man who he fell into favor with. He told him of his plan to cleanse the earth and wipe the people and animals off the face of the earth. God told Noah how to survive what he described to be a flood lasting forty days and forty nights. He told Noah to build an ark, and gave him very specific directions so that Noah could fulfill The Lord's next direction: fill the ark with two of every kind of animal,creature, and bird. Noah did as his Lord commanded him and that is when the flood of forty days and forty nights begun. Noah, his wife, and his three sons and their wives, along with all of the animals survived the cleansing flood. However, the earth took time to dry after the period of continuous rain. It took one hundred and fifty days for the water to die down. It took ten months to see the tops of mountains. Noah concocted a plan. He decided to release a dove out, and if it returned, there was no land, if it didn't, there was. The first time he sent the dove out it returned to him. The next time he sent it out it came back with a green olive leaf. This gave Noah great joy, and the next time he released the dove. It didn't come back. God told Noah to release all of the animals, creatures, and birds and to live on their lives.

"After the flood Noah lived 350 years. Noah lived a total of 950 years, and then he died."

An animal that fascinates me is the chimpanzee. I have always been amazed by the fact that humans and chimps have such similar DNA and on paper are very similar, but in reality are so different. I am also fascinated by the accomplishments of chimpanzees. There are chimps who specialize in learning sign language and have gotten to the point where they can communicate basic sentences to both humans and other chimps who know sign language.

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