Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Tower of Babel-Garrett Uebelhor

The tower of babel story in the book of Genesis sets out to explain why so many different languages and groups of people exist in the world. The story that all the people united under one language came together to make a tower out of bricks and tar. The humans hoped to build a tower which would reach the heavens so that they could unite even further and not become scattered in time.  However, this would not be. The lord came down and in recognizing just how much the people could accomplish he decided that he was going to separate the group of people and make it so none of them could communicate with each other.

My next language would probably be German. Being from German ancestry I feel like out of all the languages to learn this one would be the best choice. I have already tried to learn Spanish and in doing so I recognize that foreign languages are not really my area of expertise. Truth be told I hated my years of Spanish and think I could be completely happy with never learning another new language. Yet I do understand just how useful mastering multiple languages can be and would be open to giving foreign languages another try under the right circumstances.

"Genesis 11:1-9." Bible Gateway. Web. 30 Oct. 2014. < 11:1-9>.

Tower of Babel- Hans Stromberg

All the people on the world were united and spoke the same language. They settled at a place named Shinar. The people decided to build a tower to the Heavens so that they could make a name for themselves. When God saw this, he decided to confuse the people's languages so that they could not finish their building. God scattered the people over the whole earth and because God confused the language of the people, the place was called Babel.

"The Tower of Babel." Bible Gateway. Web. 28 Oct. 2014 11:1-9.

Currently I am taking AP German and have taken German since I was a wee freshman taking German 1. My original thought process for taking German instead of Spanish or French was that my name was "Hans Peter Stromberg" son of Arnold, and I had German ancestors. Considering the fact that I am half German and half Swedish I believe that my next language should be Swedish because of my ancestors from Sweden. While Swedish has some similarities to German, I am sure the languages differ immensely. The only phrase I can say in Swedish is to say "calm down" which is "ta da lunkt" so if you think I should know more German or Swedish you should just ta da lunkt.

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath- Maranda Gaines

In the tale of Daphne and the Laurel Wreath, Apollo challenged Eros, or Cupid as some would say, to an archery battle. Eros would shoot two arrows: One tipped with gold, creating a hopeless romantic of whoever it struck, and the other tipped with lead, filling the person struck with loathe for anything associated with romance or love. Eros shot his first gold arrow and struck Apollo. He then struck Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneus, with the lead arrow. Of course, Apollo quickly becomes infatuated with Daphne and she in turn is disgusted. Apollo’s feelings push Daphne to her father in seeking help. The river god’s powers allow him to transform his daughter into a laurel tree in order to escape Apollo’s love. However, Apollo’s love is never-ending. His feelings for the laurel tree are just as strong as they were for the young girl. He creates and wears a wreath of her leaves which is why the laurel tree is now a symbol for Apollo.

"Daphne and the Laurel Wreath." Web. <>.


In our society today, there is constantly a push towards a more youthful appearance. Hair dyes that targets the grays, anti-aging serums, and plastic surgeries are all ways that many Americans strive for the much-loved “eternal youth.” What they fail to realize is that we are all going to grow old no matter how hard we try to impress everyone else. Loving others, myself, and my insides will satisfy my longing for an eternal youth. Gray hair, wrinkles, and hard hands and feet are just physical changes on the body from a long and hopefully happy life. I think there is something beautiful in a person growing old and still being just as bright and youthful as they have always been. I admire how their positive spirit shines through and outweighs any kind of “eternal youth” anyone could desire.




Genesis 11 -- Haley Longworth

After the flood, the remaining people gathered together, all sharing one common language. They travelled East to Shinar and began forming a city that included a tower reaching into the heavens. God saw that the people were building and could complete whatever task they desired, so he spread everyone across the world and gave them different languages so that they could not communicate and work together. The city was never finished and was named Babel because there God had changed the language of the Earth into babble. "Genesis 11." The Holy Bible: New International Version, Containing the Old Testament and the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Bible, 1978. Print. My next language would probably have to be French because it is so beautiful to listen to, being a romantic language. Though I would love to know how to speak every language there is, it is very unlikely that I will pursue any one in a lot of detail. If I do learn more, it will be the basics so that when I travel to that country I will be able to decently understand what people are saying.

Tower of Babel- Julian Perry

The Tower of Babel is another of the Bible's lessons told through story. In the beginning, humans all spoke the same language. These early humans worked together to build a great city, with a tower to heaven in the center. God, seeing this effort, and realizing the true strength and foolish pride of the humans when working together, scattered the humans across the earth and segmented their common language into all the languages we know today. 

"The Tower of Babel." Bible Gateway. Web. 28 Oct. 2014 < 11:1-9>.

I doubt I would have any dissenters if I said being multilingual is a useful skill. In today's world, instant worldwide communication is only inhibited by the human on each end of the line. Businesses will always value a multilingual employee over their unilingual counterparts. The importance of this skill will only increase, as communication becomes more and more important for the future world's economy. At the same time, however, a unilingual world would be the largest step forward society has ever taken. There would be no language barrier to separate fellow humans, and human compassion would benefit greatly from this shared attribute. We unfortunately do not live in an ideal world, which is why being multilingual is a skill anyone should learn, given the opportunity. 

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath--Angela Maske

Vain Apollo challenged Eros to an archery contest, to which Eros responded by shooting a gold tipped arrow and a lead tipped arrow. The gold tipped arrow hit Apollo, filling him with love and lust for Daphne, the daughter of river God Peneus. Daphne was hit by the lead arrow, as was filled with hate for anything having to do with love or romance. Apollo chased her, but she refused him and kept running. When she got tired, she called out to her father for help. He turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo would not abate--he claimed the tree as his own and made a wreath of the leaves. Now the laurel tree remains a symbol of Apollo.

It seems that humans have chased the possibility of eternal youth since the beginning of time. Of course, it has not been achieved through either mythical potions or scientific breakthroughs. But perhaps it will not be long before we will seriously have to ask ourselves if, given the choice, we would choose to be young forever. In  Daphne's case, her eternal youth, though it was literal, seemed to be more enduring because of her association with Apollo. In this way, I feel that a lasting legacy is far more desirable than actual eternal youth. One of the great experiences of life is the progression--gaining experience and wisdom through age. And while staying young forever might sound alluring at first, eventually it would grow dull, not to mention that it would be impossible to build lasting and meaningful relationships. So I can confidently say that I don't wanna be forever young.

Tower of Babel (Genesis 11:1-9) -- David Stevens

After the flood, all the people on Earth spoke the same language and were concentrated in one small civilization. God had commanded them to spread out and slowly fill the Earth, but instead the group settled down at a place called Shinar. At Shinar the people decided to build a city and a great tower of brick and mortar that would reach to Heaven. And because they were one united people, they accomplished this monumental achievement. The Lord saw that the people could do whatever they pleased and had become proud. Therefore, He scattered them all over the Earth and confounded their language. Thus, the tower and city became known as Babel, because where once there was one language and one people, there are now many. 

Christ, Jesus. "Genesis 11:1-9" The Holy Bible. Jerusalem: Peter, Paul & Co. 4000 B.C. - 200 A.D. Scroll.

I wish God had never confounded hunman language and dispersed us throughout the Earth. It would be so much easier to communicate that way. Thanks, Heavenly Father. Just think: what if we lived in a world of one speech and one people? Such a world would be more open, peaceful, and empathetic. But alas, we have been cursed for our pride to be a fragmented humanity.

Needless to say, foreign language is not my favorite subject. I have taken Spanish since seventh grade and am in the AP level currently. I consider multilingualism to be a necessary evil; it is useful in the global world in which we live, but I do not relish the opportunity to conjugate irregular verbs like enriquecer in the subjunctive future perfect tense.

The Tower of Babel--Sofi Tzouanakis

The Tower of Babel scripture is among one of the most famous stories of the Old Testament. The story of its construction, given in Genesis 11:1–9, appears to be an attempt to explain the existence of diverse human languages. According to Genesis, the Babylonians wanted to make a name for themselves by building a mighty city and a tower “with its top in the heavens.” God disrupted the work by so confusing the language of the workers that they could no longer understand one another. The city was never completed, and the people were dispersed over the face of the earth.

Being interested in studying international relations in college, foreign language will certainly be a requirement moving forward in my life. I have interest in learning multiple languages: Greek in homage to my heritage, Chinese in order to become more marketable in the globalized world, maybe even German because I think it's quite interesting. While my work ethic and capacity to learn may prevent me from learning each word, tone and character of all of those languages and more, I feel simply learning the basics opens a new understanding of a culture you never even fathomed. For example, my great grandmother in Greece once told me that in Greek, the statement "I miss you" translates into Greek as "You are missing from me." Such discrepancies are so intriguing and open up new facets of understanding in different cultures.

The Editors of Encyclopædia Britannica. "Tower of Babel (mythological Tower, Babylonia)." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica, n.d. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. <>.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

The Greek God of the sun and archery, Apollo, challenged Eros to an archery competition. Eros, in response, shot two arrows: one that had a gold tip and caused the person maimed by it to be filled with unbridled lust, and the other lead tipped arrow would cause the victim to be filled with the opposite feeling. The gold arrow hit Apollo, while the lead arrow hit the daughter of the river god Peneus. Apollo endlessly chased Daphne, and after a long chase asked her father for help, who then transformed he into a tree. Apollo, however, still was enthralled with her, and made the leaves of the tree into a wreath that he wore around his neck, becoming one of his symbols.

I believe youth is a mindset, and slowly erodes with age and responsibility. As children, we are given very few important tasks, and as we mature, we are trusted with more and more responsibilities. This takes away from our feeling of bliss and ignorance ie youth. If one is pampered and catered to their whole life, I believe they can achieve eternal youth, and live freely and carelessly until those who pamper him cease to do so.

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath- Brittany Graul

Apollo deeply offended Eros, more commonly known as Cupid, by mocking his archery skills, and Eros sought vengeance on Apollo. Eros shot Apollo with a golden arrow that would make him fall in love with Daphne, daughter of the river god Peneus. However, Eros also shot Daphne with a leaden arrow that filled her with hatred for love. Apollo chased after Daphne relentlessly until Daphne was forced to pray to her father for help. In order to help her escape Apollo, Daphne’s father transformed her into a laurel tree. Apollo, still in love with Daphne and brokenhearted, created the laurel wreath as tribute to her. The laurel then later came to be known as one of Apollo’s symbols.

Though at first glance eternal youth would seem glorious, I would not think that immortality would ultimately be worth it. Of course it has its obvious advantages like never growing old and retaining your physical appearance for all of eternity, but at what cost? I would not be able to watch my family and friends wither away and die while I remained. Simply the knowledge that everyone you meet and care for will certainly be gone, while you must live on forever seems like more of a curse than a gift. Sure, you would be able to live through civilizations as they rise and fall and probably gain an infinite amount of knowledge, but as cliché as it sounds, that wouldn’t mean anything without people to share it with. And of course, life can be fleeting, but that is what makes it precious, and eternal youth would take away from that.
"Myth of Apollo and Daphne -" Greeka. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2014.


Dapne & The Laurel Wreath - Jacquelyn Engel

Apollo challenged Eros’s archery. Both were skilled archers, but Apollo was conceited, so Eros agreed. Instead, Eros shot two arrows: one that was gold and filled with lust and the other of lead and filled with hatred. Whomever the arrows hit, the person would either be filled with lust and desire or hatred. The gold arrow struck Apollo, and the lead arrow hit Daphne, the daughter of the river God. Apollo pursued after Daphne who disregarded him, but she became aggravated by Apollo’s endless chase. Daphne asked her father for help and turned her into a laurel tree. But, Apollo still lusted for Daphne, so he claimed the tree and made a laurel wreath.


When one thinks of eternal youth, it’s mostly commonly associated with beauty and physical appearance. There are various stories and legends about external youth like the Fountain of Youth. Personally, I wouldn’t think eternal youth would be all that great, in relation to appearance. I wouldn’t want to be seventy-six and look like a seventeen year old; that’s weird, unnatural, and wrong.

There are some aspects of eternal youth that I wouldn’t mind keeping. Youth can also be an attitude, not just an appearance. As youth, we get this idea that we are invincible. We believe nothing bad can happen to us; the chances are slim. Typically, youth have a more free-spirited, why not type of attitude. Hopefully, I will be able to preserve my eternal youth as I grow older.

Tower of Babel Schuler Ravencraft

According to the Bible at one point in time all the people on Earth spoke the same language. These people were also very skilled at construction and decided to build a tower that would reach heaven. By building this tower they wanted to make a name for themselves and prevent their city from being scattered. One day God came to see this tower. He believed that this "stairway to heaven", would only lead the people away from God. They're unity was so powerful that they could accomplish anything on their own. God squashed their plans by scattering the people and giving them all different languages.

I feel knowing more than one language is an important skill to have. I am currently in AP Spanish and have taken it since 7th grade. Even though Spanish is definitely not my best subject, I still think it is important. Learning how to conjugate in a billion different tenses may not be the most exciting but I love learning about the culture, especially since we have such a large Hispanic population here in Lexington. My tennis coaches are both native spanish speakers and I love being able to have a conversation with them or eavesdrop in their conversations. In college I hope to further my Spanish speaking skills or maybe even pick up another language. As of now I have never been out of the United States but I hope to one day be able to travel the world. It would be really cool to maybe do a study abroad, possibly in Spain or Costa Rica. 
"What the Tower of Babel Story Teaches Us for Today." About. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath - CatyBeth Gooding

The god Eros (now thought of as cupid) was upset at Apollo. So he shot Apollo with a gold tipped arrow that would make him fall in love Daphne, who was shot with a leaden arrow that would make her hate love.  Daphne was the daughter of the river god Peneus (in some cases, they mention mother Earth), who had the powers of transformation. Apollo began to stalk Daphne until one day when he would not let her go, so she prayed to her father (or mother Earth) to help her escape and he turned her into a laurel tree. Apollo still under Eros' spell, was heartbroken, and decided to make an eternal tribute to Daphne by making the laurel wreath the symbol of poets.
"Myth of Apollo and Daphne -" Greeka. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. <>

If given the opportunity to become immortal, I would not take it. All of the people I love would eventually die, and I would have to continue to live on without them. I would never fit in with anyone because, after a certain time, I would always be older than anyone I met, and would that difference would make it hard for me to connect with people I know would inevitably die. I would see countless horrors that people would hopefully see only once or twice in their lives.  Living forever would be a great burden. I absolutely cannot imagine why anyone would want to live forever. Extending life span, I could understand, but not immortality.

The Tower of Babel-Gibbs McKinley

After the flood that killed most of the people on earth, the ones left all spoke one language. When enough time had passed that there was a sizable population, people decided to build a tower to heaven and to give themselves one name, so that they could spread across the world and not lose one another. Their tower was coming along very well, and reached extreme heights. When God saw the tower, he realized that, being united, humans could accomplish whatever they desired, to a point where he had no control. Therefore, he came down and scattered the people, and gave them all different languages. Thenceforth, people were not united, because of language barriers, and could no longer work together.

I took Spanish from sixth grade to last year, and am not taking a language this year. Though Spanish is incredibly useful, I did not really enjoy it. I do, however, wish to be fluent in another language. Therefore, I am planning on taking French in college. I love France (at least I think I do-I haven't actually been yet!), and French is also a useful and common language. It is similar to Spanish in that they are both Romantic languages, so I wouldn't be completely starting over either. Language barriers are incredibly frustrating and I want to learn as many as I possibly can to avoid those kind of problems.

The Tower of Babel - Jonathan Tungate

The Tower of Babel

This story is about the people of the earth, and they all have the same language and are in the same area. Being so united, they can work together easily and they begin to make a city out of bricks and tar. They want to be recognizable, so they decide to build a giant tower to reach the heavens. God didn't like this, however, because if the people could build a giant tower, they could do anything. So God scattered the people across the entire world, and gave them all different languages so they could not longer communicate. The city and tower were never finished, and called Babel, which means confused.
If I were to learn a new language, I would learn an ancient language. Something like Greek, where I would be able to read old texts, and learn about things from that time. History is very interesting to me, and I love learning where we came from. Lot's of choices people have made in the past have led to us being where we are now, this translates to the decisions we make now, are going to have a huge impact on the generations of the future. Some time down the line, some people might be looking in the history books at our culture, remarking on how different it is than theirs, and how bizarre our current speech is.  It's one thing to learn about another culture, but it is another to read it, as reading it puts you inside the culture of that time. You can gain an understanding you wouldn't be able to having not learned about the culture in their language. This is something I consider very valuable.

"The Tower of Babel." Bible Gateway. Web. 28 Oct. 2014. < 11:1-9>.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Noah and the Flood- Rhoman James

There came a time when there was only one good man in all the world, and his name was Noah. Everybody else was bad. God wanted to start over fresh. So He told Noah to build an ark. And Noah did. God told Noah to fill it with animals, two of every kind, and to bring his family. Then God made the rain come down. It rained and rained, until there was a great flood that covered the world. Only those who were in the ark were safe and dry. Everybody else was drowned.

I think that the world will end in a large war, that will transmit disease all across the nations and there will be an eventual downfall in the economic system. Zombies will come from the stragglers of the virus then it will be a lot like the movie zombie land. I'm not sure what disease it will be but by the looks of it, I'll guess it'll be Ebola. My expectations are a very entertaining, Walking Dead like scene but not until I'm retired and living on an island :-)

Noah and the Flood -Omer Hamad

God was angry with mankind for its sins, so he decided to destroy it. He called on Noah, the only unsinning human, to gather all the animals to put them on a boat. God hen flooded the earth for 40 days and nights. After the flood ended, God told Noah to go forth and repopulate the earth.

I think the earth will end in fire, as the sun is predicted to become a red giant and engulf the earth. But humans will not end with the earth. Either we will end before the earth, or we will move past the earth and conquer other planets and eventually other solar systems. If that hapens, humanity will die within trillions of years, when matter has spread infinitly and the universe has become "cold."

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Noah and the Flood-Wes Grigsby

God was upset that mankind had fallen into sin. He decided to destroy mankind with a massive flood. He wanted to save one man, Noah, and his family because they were not sinful. He told Noah to save all the animals as well. He told Noah to build a giant ark to house himself, his family, and every animal. After he built the ark, two of every animal came to Noah. He put them on the ark and sealed the door shut with tar pitch. God sent a rain that lasted for 40 days and 40 nights. This made a flood that destroyed all of mankind except for Noah and his family. He opened the ark and the world was fresh again. Mankind started anew.

I don't know how the world will end. I doubt anyone knows how the world will end.
If I were to choose though, I believe that the world will probably end in Ice. Fire is too quick, anything can run from fire. Cold is consuming and slow, it covers everything. You can't run from cold. The Norse understood this, they called it Ragnarok. If it happens that way though, I don't know.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Noah and the Flood - CatyBeth Gooding

God was very upset at mankind for their sinful lives. Noah and his family were not sinful, and were faithful to God, so He told Noah to build an ark for his family and himself and for two of every animal that could not swim or fly. Once everyone was on the ark, God flooded the Earth for forty days and nights. Once the flood was over, God told Noah and his family and for all the animals to repopulate the Earth. Then God put a rainbow in the sky, a promise from God that He would never flood the Earth again.
"Genesis 6-9." The Bible. New International Version Teen Study Bible ed. Zondervan, 1998. 8-11. Print.

Honestly I don’t think about how the world will end. I think humans will die out before the world will end, so I don’t really give it much thought. If I had to make a choice though, I would say that the world will end in fire.  After all, the sun will explode one day and engulf the earth in fire. When asked this question, people generally think about how humanity will end. But there are other ways for humanity to end: epidemic,  war, starvation.  But I think the Earth will be destroyed after humans no longer inhabit the Earth.

Thursday, October 16, 2014


On the island of Cyprus lived a very talented sculptor, Pygmalion. Pygmalion lived for his sculptures and was always most content while sculpting ivory blocks. Pygmalion decided he was going to carve a sculpture of a woman one day, and he worked tirelessly on it. By the end, his sculpture was so lifelike and beautiful that he began to fall in love with it, even going so far as to give her a name, Galatea, which means "sleeping love". Pygmalion had no time for a real girlfriend, he vow to swear woman off in order to focus solely on his work. Besides, the woman of Cyprus had not paid homage to Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Aphrodite punished all of the woman of Cyprus to a loveless life of prostitution. During a festival honoring Aphrodite, Pygmalion went to the temple of Aphrodite to pray for a wife like his own sleeping love, Galatea. His prayers were so fervent and heart-felt that Aphrodite had to see what all of the fuss was about. After seeing Galateas beauty, Aphrodite felt it necessary to bring Galatea to life. Pygmalion and Galatea got married and had a few kids, and all was good.

If I could bring someone to life like Pygmalion did, it would be the possessed cat from the Japanese movie HOUSE (Hausu). I really only pick this because a lot of other things have been picked and I don't feel like going through them all and I figured this will be a safe bet. Anyway, the cat from HOUSE is possessed by some sort of demon that just causes everyone to have looking-down-the-barrel tunnel vision. This cat also makes weird 80's laser sound effects every once and a while, so that would be pretty interesting. If I had to have a cat it would be the HOUSE cat, it would certainly be a conversation starter. It wouldn't all be fun and games with the possessed cat though, it will try (frequently) to make chandeliers fall and crush me to death or make me fall down the stairs to my death. But really, don't all cats do that anyway?

Noah and the Flood (Genesis 6-9)- Andy Hoyt

The Story of Noah and the Ark is one of the most basic and fundamental bible story's. It is a part of Genesis, so it tells one of the stories from the early years of the earth. God saw humans on the Earth and was not pleased with them. He found that they had evil thoughts in their hearts and had become cruel. God decided that he would cleanse the Earth with a great flood, but he knew that he must save two of every animal and enough people to repopulate the earth. God found Noah, one of the last good men, and commanded him to build an ark 300 cubits long and 50 cubits wide and collect two of every animal and bring them aboard. Noah did this, and then he brought his family aboard too. God made rain pour for forty days and forty nights, and the earth was flooded for 150 days. Eventually the ark rested on top of a mountain, and Noah waited three weeks and used a dove to if it was safe to leave the ark. At the end of the flood all the animals and Noah's family set out to repopulate the Earth. God began to regret what he had done and made a covenant with earth never to flood it again.

An animal that has always fascinated me is the Narwhal. There seem to be very few of them left in the wild due to hunting, but they are still very important today. While they are related to whales, they are relatively small and have a defining characteristic, their giant spiral tooth. This may look like a horn to most, but is in fact one of their two front teeth that protrudes out from their mouths. It is used not as a weapon in hunting, but as means of attracting a mate and fighting over a female.

I do not believe that the world will end "in ice and fire". While I think humans will cause the end of life on this planet, It will not be by war or nuclear fallout, it will be something much more slow and painful. Many people fail to realize how serious the problem of global warming really is. Some people are cooperative and are trying to become more "green", but if we don't all work together then soon it will be too late to save our planet.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Pygmalion and Galatea- Julian Perry

The story of Pygmalion (one of the many fantastic Greek myths) is one of unconventional love. The story goes that Pygmalion was a sculptor who set out to create the most beautiful woman he could make. Over time, he fell in love with his sculpture. The Greek Goddess Aphrodite (goddess of love) took pity on Pygmalion, and gifted his sculpture with life. Pygmalion and his Galatea had a son and lived happily together. 

If I had the choice, I would bring Artyom from the Russian novel Metro 2033 into life. His character in the book was truly unique, and I would love to get a chance to pick his brain over the decisions he made. I hold strong psychological interests, and always like to talk about the inner human psyche. Arytom shares this attribute, and would likely have thought about his own world and situation extensively. The insight I could gain from him would be entertaining at the least. Perhaps I could gain useful knowledge as well through his mind. Either way, it would be a remarkable experience as any, and it would allow a fresh, after-the-fact view of my most cherished novel from the protagonist himself. 

Pygmalion and Galatea by Garrett Uebelhor

Pygmalion was man who became disgusted with the women around him and resolved to create the perfect woman. He sculpted a woman named Galatea and day by day gradually crafted her feature to perfection.  Pygmalion soon became obsessed with his perfect sculpture and desired to be with her at all times. Upon seeing Pygmalion's displays of affection the goddess Aphrodite brought Galatea to life so that Pygmalion and her could find happiness.

I think it would be cool to have a superhero brought to real life, such as Thor.  It seems to me that having such as hero could help reduce crime and could possibly be a higher authority which could help bring peace to the world. Although I guess this would only work if we only brought a superhero to life and not there corresponding super villain. If we had a character like Thor or another superhero/being brought to life who was above most human mistakes I definitely think that we would be more kind and more educated as a planet.

"The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea." Greek Myths Greek Mythology. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. <>.

Noah and the Flood- Maranda Gaines

Genesis chapters 6-9 tell the story of Noah and his ark. God was disappointed with humans and their evil thoughts and ways of life, so he decided to destroy all living creatures. However, God was pleased with Noah, his three sons, their wives, and children. God ordered Noah to build an ark to shelter Noah’s family while he killed off everything else. On this ark, Noah was also commanded to put a pair of every creature that walks the earth: a male and female. Once Noah completed this task, it rained for forty days and nights. The Earth was flooded for one hundred and fifty days and at the beginning of Noah’s 601st year of life, the Earth was finally ready to walk and live on. God now ordered Noah and his family to multiply and fill the earth and to let the animals roam the earth so they could do the same. God promised to never kill all the living creatures on earth again.

An animal that fascinates me is the snake. I think their whole being is very unique. They don't have legs and can still be super fast. They strangle their prey then swallow them whole. Everything about their movements  behaviors, and looks is fascinating to me. I admire their beauty and how different they are from most animals. 

I honestly don't think the world will end in fire nor in ice but if I had to choose it would be fire. I don't think the world will end soon and hopefully it doesn't. The world could become more chaotic than it already is with war and rage. War will probably end our world as it is, with everything up in flames and under gunpowder. 

Noah and the Flood - Katy Estes

God was upset with all mankind. He was going to create a flood to kill every one of them and every creature with breath still in it. However, he wanted to save Noah and his family. So he spoke to Noah and told Noah to build an ark out of wood and create three levels and compartments for each animal. He said that He would send Noah two of each animal and that his wives and sons and sons' wives would join him on the ark and be safe from the floods that He would bring. It flooded for forty days and forty nights. Afterwards, Noah sent out doves to see if the flood had ended. After it did so, God promised Noah that he would never again flood the earth and kill all of mankind. In promising this he showed Noah a rainbow as proof.

An animal that fascinates me has always been a penguin. I find it simply amazing that they can endure such extremely low temperatures and still survive and even have offspring. The fact that they straddle theirs eggs and waddle with them to protect them from the cold is even more interesting. They have a natural instinct to protect their eggs at all cost. I also find amusing that penguins stay in such large herds. They understand that with massive numbers comes greater heat when huddled together. The ingenious thinking behind that is brilliant.
I'm not sure whether the world will end in fire or ice. To be honest, I don't really like thinking about the end of the world. Though, if I had to choose one, I would probably say fire. Despite what a lot of people think Global Warming is a very real thing and is effecting our ecosystems around us. By the time we think of a cure for our destruction to our earth, it may be too late.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Noah and the Flood-Will Atkins

One day God proclaimed his disgust for the childish and evil behavior of the humans. He could not believe his own creations that were made in his image could behave so rashly. God saw the wickedness of his creations and therefore decided it was time to wipe them from the face of the earth and to cleanse the earth. However, God told one man of his genocidal plan. God had one man, Noah, a 600 year-old man who he fell into favor with. He told him of his plan to cleanse the earth and wipe the people and animals off the face of the earth. God told Noah how to survive what he described to be a flood lasting forty days and forty nights. He told Noah to build an ark, and gave him very specific directions so that Noah could fulfill The Lord's next direction: fill the ark with two of every kind of animal,creature, and bird. Noah did as his Lord commanded him and that is when the flood of forty days and forty nights begun. Noah, his wife, and his three sons and their wives, along with all of the animals survived the cleansing flood. However, the earth took time to dry after the period of continuous rain. It took one hundred and fifty days for the water to die down. It took ten months to see the tops of mountains. Noah concocted a plan. He decided to release a dove out, and if it returned, there was no land, if it didn't, there was. The first time he sent the dove out it returned to him. The next time he sent it out it came back with a green olive leaf. This gave Noah great joy, and the next time he released the dove. It didn't come back. God told Noah to release all of the animals, creatures, and birds and to live on their lives.

"After the flood Noah lived 350 years. Noah lived a total of 950 years, and then he died."

An animal that fascinates me is the chimpanzee. I have always been amazed by the fact that humans and chimps have such similar DNA and on paper are very similar, but in reality are so different. I am also fascinated by the accomplishments of chimpanzees. There are chimps who specialize in learning sign language and have gotten to the point where they can communicate basic sentences to both humans and other chimps who know sign language.

Noah And The Flood Ryan Collins

God did not approve of all the wickedness and sin occurring on earth, so he decided to wipe them from the earth. However, one man, Noah, was spared by God, and asked to construct a gargantuan boat to weather the massive flood. On this ark, aside from his family, Noah took two of every species of animal, one of each gender, and fled to the boat in order to survive the colossal flood. It rained for 40 days and 40 nights, and lasted a hundred and fifty days. After it was over, God decided that he would never smite another living thing. 

All my life I have had a special affinity for octopi. Wether it was their color changing camouflage techniques or their incredible intelligence, I was always a fan. I love how they are able to fit through the smallest spaces, shoot out ink to distract predators, and how they have 8 tentacles instead of commonplace arms or fins.

The world will most definitely end in fire. Everyone has heard the morbid study that reveals the sun's distant (yet too close for comfort) expiration date, resulting in the explosion of our galaxy's biggest star, destroying the Earth and any life on it. Ya, pretty dark I know. However, that is speculated to occur in millions of millions of years, so I am sure we wont have to endure that terrible fate.

Pygmalion and Galatea--Angela Maske

The story of Pygmalion begins with a sentiment that I, and surely many other girls my age, can relate to--utter disgust with the opposite sex. Unlike most modern day teenagers, however, Pygmalion responded to his revulsion by resolving to avoid women at all costs. He focused his energy instead on his work, and soon created a magnificent female statue, which he called Galatea. She became more and more stunning as Pygmalion continued to refine her features, and he soon found himself falling in love with the sculpture as if it were a real woman. He showered his beloved Galatea with gifts and affection. Naturally, the goddess Aphrodite, upon observing Pygmalion's touching passion, sympathized with him, and brought the sculpture to life. The legacy of the love of Pygmalion and Galatea went on to span generations.

There are a lot of fictional characters that I would love to bring to life. One of those is Neal Caffrey, from the USA show White Collar. An ex-con working for the FBI, Neal is a brilliant strategist, astute art historian, and talented painter (even though he uses most of his skills to create high quality forgeries). Not to mention that he is sculpted...not quite like Galatea, though. Despite his past transgressions and occasional slip-ups, Neal provides a striking ethical balance in a world that seems to otherwise disregard morals. And though his life essentially revolves around temptation, Neal is able to satiate his previous greed for wealth and adventure (for the most part) with the virtues of justice and security...even if he doesn't like to admit it. 

"The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea." Greek Myths Greek Mythology. N.p., n.d. Web. 13 Oct. 2014.

Noah and the Flood- Brittany Graul

                In the story of Noah and the Flood, God looked down upon the earth and discovered that humanity had become evil and corrupt. As punishment for their corruption, God decided to wipe them out with a flood. However, God chose to spare Noah and his family and commanded Noah to build an immense ark. This ark would hold not only Noah and his kin, but also a male and female of every animal on earth. The flood was supposed to last for 40 days and 40 nights, though it wasn’t until far after that that the earth was no longer flooded with water. Eventually, Noah and his family and all the animals were able to come out of the ark and return to the earth. God told them to repopulate and replenish the earth and made a covenant with Noah and his sons.
                  Out of all the animals that are on earth, and that would’ve been on the ark I suppose, the one that intrigues me the most is the elephant. I’ve always adored elephants because while they are these massive, beautiful, and majestic animals, they are also incredibly expressive of emotions. While they can be playful, what is most interesting is that elephants express what could possibly be grief. When an elephant dies, sometimes other elephants will throw themselves to the ground and refuse to leave. Also it has been seen that some elephants will return to the place of death and look over the dead elephant. While it has not been completely proven that elephants grieve, it is certainly fascinating to think about and moving to watch.
                While in Noah and the Ark the world seemed to nearly end by being drowned in water, between fire and ice I’m not entirely sure which would ultimately cause the world’s demise. Though I side with Robert Frost in that if I had to choose I would say that the world would end with fire, however it could easily end in ice as well.  I’ve always felt that in his poem “Fire and Ice,” Robert Frost says it best (though the fire and ice he refers to are ultimately symbols for something else):
      Fire and Ice
BY Robert Frost
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.
 Frost, Robert. “Fire and Ice.” Poetry Foundation. Web.  <>

It seems a little more likely that the world would end with flames if you take the sun into account and humanity’s fascination with things with, shall we say, fiery and explosive qualities. However, I feel it wouldn’t be right to dismiss ice as a possibility because it could be equally destructive and who knows, as improbable as it may seem, it may be what the world ends in.

Galatea and Pygmalion- Alexander Reese

    Galatea and Pygmalion is the story of a sculptor who carved a woman so beautiful out of ivory that he wished her to be living, even though he didn't take much of an interest in women. After making an offering to Aphrodite at her festival, he returned to find that his wish had been granted and the statue was alive. Pygmalion then went and married Galatea. They then had a son named Paphos after whom the actual Greek city is supposedly named.
     If I could be any fictional character, I would be James Bond. The greatest spy in the world and a suave and debonair character. He's cool, confident and always gets his man. James Bond always had a certain to charm to him I wish I had, and I can't say I would mind being the epitome of attractive (although it does seem rather unfortunate that all of his loved one seem to die).Another reason I would choose him is that Ian Fleming is one of my favorite authors. If I had to be any of the movie James Bonds it would definitely be Pierce Brosnan because he is the dreamiest by far and GoldenEye is one of the best James Bond films.

Pygmalion and Galatea- Hans Stromberg

The story of Pygmalion and Galatea began when young Pygmalion saw some prostitutes in the street and decided that women disgusted him. Naturally, he decided to make an ivory statue of a woman named Galatea and became obsessed with the statue. He started to give the statue gifts such as rings and shells just like she was a real woman. His obsession created the most beautiful woman in the world who he feel in love with. Pygmalion burned an ox to gain favor with Aphrodite and Aphrodite turned Galatea into a real women. They got married and continued to thank Aphrodite who blessed them with a child: Paphos, from whom the city of Paphos was named in Cyprus.

"The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea." Greek Myths Greek Mythology. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

A character that I would like brought to life would be Tony Stark and Ironman. Having a billionaire playboy philanthropist as a best friend would have many obvious benefits which I would make use of. He would be able to hook me up with my very own Iron man suit so I could fly around with him in my spare time. Also, the fact that I hang out with Tony Stark would make everyone (especially the women) flock to me making me awesome because I brought Tony Stark to life. Having brought him to life, I'm sure he wouldn't mind repaying me with just a couple hundred million dollars. Also, he is one of the most brilliant minds in all of the fictional world so he would help me get through school in flying colors.

Noah & the Flood- Haley Longworth

In Genesis chapters 6-9, God is very displeased with the evil ways of the humans inhabiting the Earth, but is content with Noah's righteous life. He decides to get rid of everyone on Earth with a flood except for Noah, his wife, his sons, and his son's wives. He orders Noah to build an ark that would house his family and two (one female and one male) of every living animal. Noah followed God's orders and when the time came, God flooded the Earth for forty days and nights, though it took much longer for the water to go down. When all the creatures and people on the boat could return to the land, God told them to multiply and inhabit the Earth. "Genesis 6-9." The Holy Bible: Containing the Old and New Testaments with the Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books : New Revised Standard Version. New York: Oxford UP, 1989. Print. An animal that fascinates me is the hummingbird. For one, it is super tiny and cute. Second, their feathers are iridescent, giving them color similar to a soap bubble, they can see and hear better than humans, and they can see ultraviolet light. I don't really know much about them, but I have always liked when they ventured to the flowers on my back porch. I believe the world would end in fire rather than ice. I feel as though we are more likely to get scorched by the sun than to have another Ice Age, which did not end the world in the first place.

Pygmalion and Galatea-- Siobhan O'Neill

In the story of Pygmalion and Galatea, A sculptor creates many statues in the image of his wife Cynisca. The sculptor increasingly becomes interested in his statue named Galatea. The sculptor's wife is often gone and he finds himself spending more time around the inanimate object. On day, Galatea becomes alive and confesses her love to her creator. Because of Galatea's innocence and naivety she comes off as unusual and unsocialized. Galatea causes problems with the relationship between the sculptor and his wife. Because of Cynisca's jealousy and her inability to adapt to her new life, Galatea decides to return to her life as a statue. If there was one character I wish I could bring alive it would be Tiffany from Silver Linings Playbook. My reasoning behind this could be because the story is one of my favorite books/movies of all time but I do think I have a special connection with the character Tiffany. She is outspoken, inappropriate, and above all, crazy. I don't necessarily think of myself as particularly crazy but I do think it is a common theme in human nature to feel like you are crazy. I'm often second guessing my thoughts and I what I think is normal. I also consider myself very inappropriate when it comes to social situations. Having someone who is like me in those ways would be a nice chance from the usual since all three of those characteristics are seldom found in other people.

Noah and the Flood - Olivia Dixon

 God created the world in the first chapters of Genesis. He entrusted humans with freedom, which included the possibility that they might turn away from him and unfortunately, that is what they did. Unhappy with it's corrupt state and festering evil, God flooded the earth. Before this, he warned his righteous follower, Noah, of his plans, and had him build an ark so he and his family, along with two of every animal could survive the destruction. When the rain ceased, Noah released a dove which returned with an olive leaf, symbolizing peace or the end of God's judgement. After those forty days of rain, God promised to never destroy all living creatures again, and He's kept his promise thus far.

Koalas were a part of Noah's precious cargo, and I'm glad because they're fascinating. Eucalyptus leaves, which a koala's diet mainly consists of, contain toxins that take a large amount of energy to digest so it's imperative for them to sleep 18-22 hours a day. That's ridiculous.

Pygmalion & Galatea — David Stevens

The tale of Pygmalion and Galatea is one of love, but it does not begin that way. Pygmalion, so the myth goes, worked as a sculptor on the Mediterranean island of Cyprus. After one too many prostitutes, he averred never to pursue women again; thus declared, he redoubled his efforts as a sculptor. Ironically, his next sculpture was the rapturously beautiful Galatea, a marble maiden without the flaws of flesh-and-blood women. Pygmalion, of course, fell head-over-heels in love with the statue, talking to it all day and bringing it gifts. The goddess Aphrodite observed Pygmalion’s attachment. After the sculptor sacrificed a bull in Aphrodite’s temple, she rewarded him by breathing life into Galatea. Pygmalion practically burst with joy; the two were soon wed, and they lived happily into the ages.

The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea.” Greek Myths & Greek Mythology. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

Whom would I bring to life? This question plagued me for longer than it should have. On perusing my classmates’ blog posts, I discovered The Doctor—of Doctor Who fame—to be taken, so I have chosen a different doctor: Gregory House, M.D. For those not familiar with the series, House is an opiate-abusing, no-respect-giving, limp-having, patient-loathing physician—but he’s a genius. With his sharp intellect and knack for seeing what others don’t, Dr. House solves the most bizarre, rare and severe medical cases he can find. In fact, House strongly resembles a twenty-first–century Sherlock Holmes transplanted into a New Jersey hospital. Like the original, House comes complete with a drug habit, a predilection for choosing the most complicated cases, a surly attitude and a loyal lackey—this time known as Dr. Wilson, instead of Dr. Watson. If realized, House could tackle some of our greatest medical dilemmas, leading to new advances and better lives.

Pygmalion and Galatea - Kyle Luo

Basically this story begins with Pygmalion who was an ancient Greek sculptor. One day he ran into a group of prostitutes, and after seeing that they were thots, decided that women were not for him. Having lost faith in all females, he sought to create his own "perfect girl". Thus he began sculpting Galatea, and he put so much time and love into her that she became doper than any female on the planet. When Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, saw how much the statue meant to him, she gave life to the statue. Pygmalion was extremely hype when he saw this, so he and Galatea got married and lived happily ever after. "Pygmalion and Galatea." Greek Myths & Greek Mythology. Greek Myths & Greek Mythology. Web. 14 Oct. 2014. If had the choice of being able to bring a fictional character in my life I would choose Harry Potter. First off, Harry is famous so if I hung out with him the women would come to us like nerds to Comic-Con. Also, he's got stacks so we'd be able to rich people things like eat eighty dollar steaks. I'd never have to deal with traffic anymore because I could just fly around on one of his fly broomsticks. On top of all that, he could teach me magic so I could do cool things like summon my phone from across the room and light things on fire.

Pygmalion and Galatea - Megan Woodrum

     Pygmalion was a sculpture that had grown disgusted with the women of the world. He dedicated himself to sculpting the perfect woman, a task which he managed. Pygmalion fell in love with his sculpture: he brought her dresses, rings, and everything he thought women liked. His love for his creation, whom he name Galatea,  became noticed by Aphrodite, the goddess of love. She brought Galatea to life for Pygmalion and they were soon wed. Pygmalion made sure to thank Aphrodite for her wonderful gift.

"The Myth of Pygmalion and Galatea". Greek Myths and Greek Mythology. Web. Oct 14, 2014

      If I could bring any fictional character to life it would 100% be The Doctor from the show Doctor Who. The Doctor is a epic hero thousands of years old that can travel through space and time in his TARDIS (Time And Relative Dimensions In Space). If there were ever such a person who was so old and kind existed, even if he never chose me to go on adventures with him, the world would be a better place.

Pygmalion and Galatea- Schuler Ravencraft

The story of Pygmalion and Galatea starts of in ancient Greece on an island called Cyprus. One day a group of women, the Propoetides, refused to acknowledge Aphrodite as a goddess. Aphrodite proceeds to turn them into prostitutes. Pygmalion sees this and swears off all women. However one day Pygmalion creates a sculptor of a beautiful woman. It is so beautiful he falls in love with it. One he goes to a festival in honor of Aphrodite and prays to the goddess to find him a woman as beautiful as his statue. Aphrodite grants his wish and turns the statue into a woman who he calls Galatea. They then get married and have two children, Paphos and Metharme.

Pontikis, Nick. "Pygmalion & Galatea." Myth Man's Greatest Love Stories. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2014.

If I could bring any fictional character to life I would have to choose the entire “Friends” cast. “Friends” has to be my all time favorite show. One of my goals in life is to find a group of friends to have fun with and love and care about me as much as they care about each other. Each character is so different yet they mesh so well. They all contain different, admirable traits. Rachel is strong and determined. She went from being a privileged princess into a successful businesswoman. After all the ups and downs of being independent she never once turned back. She stuck it out and moved up in her job. When you think of a word to describe Phoebe it’d have to be quirky. However through out the show she is more than just quirky; she is selfless. We see her give birth to triplets as a surrogate for her brother and his wife, she plays wing woman for Joey and there is an entire episode in which she looks to do a deed, which is truly selfless. Monica may be bossy but she always has good intentions. We see this when she throws Rachel’s baby shower; she just wants everything to be perfect. Joey has to be my favorite out of the six. He’s not very smart but he would do anything for anyone. He writes a letter to the adoption agency for Monica and Chandler, becomes a priest to marry Monica and Chandler and he sets Phoebe up with her future husband. Along with Joey, Chandler is also always there for the other characters. When Joey is in need of money he’s there to loan him some and is always there to give advice (even though it may not be the best). The last out of the crew is Ross. Ross may be rather annoying but he is loyal. He sticks by Carol (even though she cheated on him), he loves Rachel through out the entire series and he is always a good brother and friend. These friends always stand by each other and continue to have fun. I hope to one-day poses the same character traits and find a group of people just like them.