Sunday, March 8, 2015

Humor Blog- Andy Hoyt

My favorite example of humor so far in Earnest is the conversation between Algernon and Jack in the very first scene. While I tend to prefer high humor over low, I enjoy both when used in an appropriate context. This passage appeals to me for that very reason. Both characters engage in slapstick humor when insulting each other, but also make some very witty comments.

One of my favorite modern forms of comedy is the 4chan "green text" story. These fictional stories are told from a first person perspective and written in bulleted, incomplete sentences and posted on the internet forum 4chan. While many of these posts are obscene and offensive, some of them have witty references to popular culture. One of my favorites is the tale of "Ving and Ling", two Chinese siblings who move into a new town. Here is an image of the original post:

While it may include some crass language and slightly racist undertones, this is a fantastic example of masterful blending of both high and low humor. The entire story serves to sets up a brilliant play on words with lyrics from the popular song Don't Stop Believing by Journey but also includes crude humor throughout the rest of the piece. This keeps the reader entertained and interested in the story as it builds to the witty climax with the last two lines.

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