Monday, March 9, 2015

Comedy blog- Hans Stromberg

I am a sucker for puns. Any pun will do., good or bad, I appreciate any pun. In The Importance of Being Earnest Wilde uses puns, "As far as the piano is concerned, sentiment is my forte." Most puns are bad puns, but you have to appreciate the effort involved in this sly sense of humor. Some people don't even recognize puns because they are so subtle, this is why puns are so great. Apparently, I'm a fan of high humor because I like puns, even though I appreciate slapstick humor all the same.

Humor is everywhere, especially on television. I enjoy all types of humor, but lately, Parks and Recreation has caught my attention. Maybe its just because I only watch this show after midnight when I'm tired, but I always find myself laughing at the simplest of humor in Parks and Recreation. While being a hilarious show, Parks & Rec is also mocking modern government my showing that it never works. Leslie Knope is a try-hard local politician, yet she always gets beat out by some sleazebag or the guy with more money. This critique on society makes for quality television.

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