In Genesis 18-19, God appeared to Abraham to tell him his
wife, Sarah, would bear a child the next year even though she was too old. God
decided Abraham would be father of the nations, so he told him his plan to
destroy Sodom and Gomorrah which were supposedly filled with evil people. He
sent angels disguised as men to seek and save any righteous people, and to
destroy the two cities. The angels determined Lot was righteous so they sent
away his wife and kids with him to the nearby town of Zoar. However, Lot’s wife
looked back at the city as they were fleeing. She was turned into a pillar of
salt, leaving only the daughters and her husband. The two daughters realized
they were the only females left in the family. They tricked their father into
impregnating them by getting him drunk, and their sons later became the
ancestors of Moabites and Ammonites.
Throughout the Bible, God regularly destroys towns, cities,
and whole groups of people for being “evil.” However, the differences between
good and evil are not clear cut in the bible nor are they defined in our world
today. Fighting wars against whole countries of people or placing unfair
restrictions on races of people for the acts of a few individuals are only some
of the methods in which Americans specifically practice this ancient biblical
method of ridding “evil.” Right and wrong and good and evil will never be so
clear as to write down a list of each in an organized t-chart; so why should it
be okay for us to act based on the opinions of a few people in power on
something so sporadic?
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