Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Sodom and Gommorah- Andy

Abraham sees three men approaching his camp. He recognizes that they are sent by God, and he tells them that he will get water, bread, and a calf so that they may eat. While they eat, the men tell Abraham that his wife, Sarah, will have a son in a year, which she does not believe because both she and Abraham are very old. God then promises to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah for all the sin committed there. Abraham argues with God until he promises that if 10 righteous people can be found there he will not destroy the cities. God sends two angels to destroy Sodom and the righteous person they find is Lot. They tell to take his family and leave as they are going to destroy the city. Lot flees to the town of Zoar while Sodom and Gomorrah are destroyed but his wife looks back and is turned into a pillar of salt. Lot and his two daughters settle in the mountains outside of Zoar. The two daughters decide that, since there are no men around to father children with, they will sleep with their father and preserve their family. They both become pregnant and start the tribes of the Moabites and the Ammonites.

Unfair punishment is a very serious problem in the Untied States. We have a higher percent of incarcerated citizens and a more expensive prison system than other Country in the world. We need to solve the problems that lead people to commit crime, such as poverty, instead of punishing people. Prison sentences are often too long and are given for petty crimes. We need to look to countries with lower crime rates to reform our penitentiary system. In the long run we will save money and destroy fewer lives in the process.

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